2024 Governor's Safety and Health
Conference and Exposition
August 21-23
Owensboro hosts the Governor's Safety and Health Conference and Exposition August 21-23, 2024, for the first time in the forty (40) year history of the event! The 2024 Conference theme is “United for Safety and Health”. Joint employee and employer safety programs that focus on involvement, relationships, trust, well-being, as well as hazard identification and remediation, promote unity and a strong culture.
For four (4) decades, the Governor’s Safety and Health Conference and Exposition, co-sponsored by the Kentucky Safety and Health Network, Inc., (KSHN) and the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet, has provided an experience specifically designed to increase awareness of workplace safety and health as well as enhance the professional development of occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals. A wide variety of OSH topics addressing today’s safety and health issues will be presented by top safety and health professionals. The dynamic format of this event provides an authentic experience that will revitalize your professional expertise!
The 2024 event features an Exposition Hall that offers attendees an opportunity to see the latest products, services, and technologies at the largest gathering of its kind in Kentucky. The event schedule is constructed to allow attendees dedicated opportunities to visit the Exhibition Hall.
Networking opportunities abound at the 2024 Governor’s Safety and Health Conference and Exposition. Both the Conference and the Exposition facilitate an environment where attendees can develop and strengthen networking with individuals that share common OSH interests. This is your opportunity to build relationships, share ideas, and connect with colleagues!
KSHN continues to invest in tomorrow’s OSH professionals through the Scholastic Achievement for Education Awards, or SAFE Awards. SAFE Awards are awarded to college students pursuing a degree in OSH, industrial hygiene, or a related field and meet criteria for academic performance and personal achievement. Through this effort, we hope to encourage and prepare the next generation of safety and health leaders to ensure a brighter and safer future for Kentucky workers and their families. At the 2023 Conference, five (5) students were presented SAFE Awards totaling nearly $20,000! These students are the top of their class and represent the future of OSH. Since 2005, over $539,000 has been presented in SAFE Awards! SAFE Awards will be presented at the 2024 Conference and Exposition.
KSHN continues to support the OSHA 10-Hour Training for Career and Technical Education (OSHA 10-4 CTE). OSHA 10-4 CTE, an initiative that began in 2017 and is a partnership between KSHN, the Kentucky Department of Education’s Office of Career and Technical Education, and Eastern Kentucky University to provide Authorized OSHA Outreach Trainer status to secondary school educators throughout Kentucky. The educators in turn provide authorized OSHA 10-Hour General Industry and/or OSHA 10-Hour Construction training to high school seniors in manufacturing and construction pathways at secondary schools across the state. The students graduate high school with an OSHA 10-Hour or 30-Hour card as well as invaluable occupational safety and health training! Since 2017, thirty-five (35) secondary teachers received General Industry Outreach authorization and forty-three (43) teachers received Construction Industry Outreach authorization. And to date, over 3,000 high school students have received training, and it continues to grow! The initiative is a significant undertaking and has a substantial cost; however, its value is immeasurable.
The Kentucky Safety and Health Network is a nonprofit organization with a mission to increase awareness of safety and health in the workplace. Drawing upon the knowledge and expertise of KSHN members, who represent business, education, government, and labor, the stage is set for a one-of-a-kind experience designed to empower individuals and organizations to create safer workplaces. Gain the professional development you need to keep yourself not only relevant, but also ahead of the curve. Seating is limited; register today!
A big thanks to the 2024 sponsors!